Last updated on January 7th, 2022 at 02:27 pm
Aircraft Ice and Rain Protection
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Easa Part 66 Maintenance Practices (4664 Questions)
Sample – Maintenance Practices Exams ( 40 questions 30 min),
Category A – Maintenance Practices Exams ( 72 questions 90 min),
Category B1 – Maintenance Practices Exams ( 80 questions 100 min),
Category B2 – Maintenance Practices Exams ( 60 questions 75 min),
Category B3 – Maintenance Practices Exams ( 75 questions 40 min),
Chapter 01: Aircraft Structures (70 pages),
Chapter 02: Aerodynamics, Aircraft Assembly, and Rigging (70 pages),
Chapter 03: Aircraft Fabric Covering ( 24 pages),
Chapter 04: Aircraft Metal Structural Repair ( 114pages),
Chapter 05: Aircraft Welding ( 38 pages),
Chapter 06: Aircraft Wood and Structural Repair ( 28 pages),
Chapter 07: Advanced Composite Material ( 58 pages),
Chapter 08: Aircraft Painting and Finishing ( 22 pages),
Chapter 09: Aircraft Electrical System ( 106 pages),
Chapter 10: Aircraft Instrument Systems (86pages),
Chapter 11: Communication and Navigation (78 pages),
Chapter 12: Hydraulic and Pneumatic Power Systems (54 pages),
Chapter 13: Aircraft Landing Gear Systems (96 pages),
Chapter 14: Aircraft Fuel System (62 pages),
Chapter 15: Ice and Rain Protection (32 pages),
Chapter 16: Cabin Environmental Control Systems (62 pages),
Chapter 17: Fire Protection Systems (22 pages),
Aircraft Ice and Rain Protection
The two types of ice encountered during flight are clear and Ice and Rain Protection rime. Clear ice forms when the remaining liquid portion of the water drop flows out over the aircraft surface, gradually freezing as a smooth sheet of solid ice. Formation occurs Ice and Rain Protection when droplets are large, such as in rain or in cumuliform clouds. Clear ice is hard, heavy, and tenacious aircraft Ice and Rain Protection.
Its removal Ice and Rain Protection by deicing equipment is especially difficult.
Rime ice forms when water drops are small, such as those in stratified clouds or light drizzle. The liquid portion remaining after initial impact freezes rapidly before the drop has time to spread over the aircraft surface. The small frozen droplets
trap air giving the ice a white appearance. Rime ice is lighter in weight than clear ice and its weight is of little significance aircraft ice and rain protection.
Aircraft Ice and Rain Protection
However, its irregular shape and rough surface decrease the effectiveness of the aerodynamic efficiency of airfoils, Ice and Rain Protection reducing lift and increasing drag. Rime ice is brittle and more easily removed than clear ice .
Mixed clear and rime icing can form rapidly when water drops vary in size or when liquid drops intermingle with snow or ice particles. Ice particles become imbedded in clear ice, building a very rough accumulation sometimes in Ice and Rain Protection a mushroom shape on leading edges. Ice may be expected to form whenever there is visible moisture in the air and temperature is near or below freezing aircraft ice and rain protection.An exception is carburetor icing, which can occur during warm weather with Ice and Rain Protection no visible moisture present.
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