Last updated on February 5th, 2022 at 07:05 pm
EASA Part 66 Module 8
Module 8 Basic Aerodynamics.
Basic Aerodynamic Book Sample Pages
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Basic Aerodynamics (4056 Questions)
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Category B2 – Basic Aerodynamics Exams ( 20 questions 25 min),
Category B3 – Basic Aerodynamics Exams ( 20 questions 25 min),
EASA PART 66 Module 8 Book Forum
EASA PART 66 Module 8 Book BOOK Content:
1) Physics of the Atmosphere
International standard atmosphere, application to aerodynamics2) Aerodynamics
a) Airflow around a body.b) Boundary layer, laminar and turbulent flow, free stream flow, relative airflow, upwash and downwash, vortices, stagnation.
c) Terms: camber, chord, mean aerodynamic chord, profile (parasitic) drag, induced drag, center of pressure, angle of attack, wash-in and wash-out, fineness ration, wing shape, and aspect ratio.
d) Thrust, weight, aerodynamic resultants.
e) Generation of lift and drag, angle of attack, lift coefficient, polar curve, stall.
f) Airfoil contamination including ice, snow, and frost.
3] Theory of flight
a) relationship between lift, weight, thrust, and drag.b) glide ratio.
c) steady state flights, performance.
d) theory of the turn.
e) influence of load factor, stall, flight envelope and structural limitations.
f) lift augmentation
4] Flight stability and dynamics
longitudinal, lateral and directional stability (active and passive)
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