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Human Factor Sample Exam.

The following Quiz contains  20 questions during 25 min.


Part 66 module 9 Questions Bank

Category A   – Human Factors Quiz ( 20 questions 25 min),
Category B1Human Factors Quiz ( 20 questions 25 min),
Category B2Human Factors Quiz ( 20 questions 25 min),
Category B3Human Factors Quiz ( 16 questions 20 min),

Module Human factors test questions assure that the candidate was award all necessary information to be care during performing his job. The need to take human Factors test questions into account is that aviation safety relies heavily on maintenance. When it is not done correctly, it contributes to a significant proportion of accidents and incidents. Some examples of maintenance errors may include; parts installed in correctly, missing parts, or necessary checks not being performed. In comparison to many other threats to aviation safety, the mistakes of an Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) can be more difficult to detect.

Often times, these mistakes are present but not visible and have the potential to remain latent, affecting the safe operation of aircraft for long periods of time. AMTs are confronted with a set of human factors unique within aviation. Often times, AMTs are working in the evening or early morning hours, in confined spaces, on platforms that are up high, or in a variety of adverse temperature/humidity conditions.

The work can be physically strenuous, yet also requiring a high degree of attention to detail from Easa part 66 academy materiel. Because of the nature of maintenance tasks, AMTs commonly spend more time preparing for a task than actually carrying it out. human factors test questions is a proper documentation of all maintenance work is a key clement, and AMTs also typically spend as much time updating maintenance logs as they do perform the work. Human factors and how they affect people are very important to aviation maintenance.

Such awareness can lead to improved quality, an environment that ensures continuing worker and aircraft safety, and a more involved and responsible work force. More specifically, the reduction of even minor errors can provide measurable benefits including cost reductions, fewer missed deadlines, reduction in work related injuries, reduction of warranty claims, and reduction in more significant events that can be traced back to maintenance error. It is apparent that anticipated or abnormal medical conditions influence the AMTs work. Reduction in vision is a signpost of aging that is anticipated in all AMTs over the age of 50 years.

It compromises the visual human factors test questions and limitations presented as new chapter provides an overview of physical and mental human performance factors which affect an Aircraft Maintenance Technicians (AMTs) working environment, such as vision, hearing, information processing, attention and perception, memory, judgment and decision making. Just as certain mechanical components used in aircraft maintenance have limitations, technicians them selves have certain capabilities and limitations that must be considered when looking at the maintenance ‘system’.

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